Thursday, January 12, 2017

Project Arms X Army

The X-Army

Yugo Gilbert
Yugo Gilbert
Also known as the "Angel", Yugo was born with extraordinary telepathic powers. She, her brother Cliff, and several others with extraordinary gifts grew up in an Egrigori lab as test subjects. Yugo and some of her companions escaped from the lab and traveled to Japan. Initially Yugo's group attacked the ARMS teens, wanting to prove their value to Egrigori, but when Egrigori became a common enemy they became allies. Yugo has a secret crush on Ryo Takatsuki, but since she knows he is devoted to Katsumi she never pushes herself on him. Yugo selflessly joins the ARMS in their quest to find Katsumi. Yugo is very different from all the other members of the X-Army because she has a soft side, and willingly helps Ryo defeat Kyklops because she believes Cliff's goal is pointless. Her telepathic abilities are among the most powerful exhibited by any character so far. During the Red Caps' assault on Aisora City she is able to simultaneously control four Red Cap failures whose minds had become completely ruined by the experiments to create them. This proved to be a double edged sword as her control over them was so powerful that she began to feel their pain and eventually mimic any injuries they sustained on her own body. She is unable to read the minds of people who have been trained to resist telepathy, people acting on instinct, or other powerful telepaths. When Ryo is fully taken over by the Jabberwock near the end, she fulfills her promise and attacks the Jabberwock mentally. She frees Ryo and tells him she loves him before dying from the exhaustion of the attack. When the group returns to Japan, they bury her under a gravestone that says "Here lies a girl who called an 'angel'. She remains forever in our hearts" and leave flowers for her.

Cliff Gilbert
The leader of the X-army and known as the "Demon King". Instead of developing the telepathic abilities of his sister, the various abuse he suffered at the hands of the scientists in the lab caused him to violently develop extremely powerful psychokinetic abilities. Cliff is able to move and manipulate anything he wants with a mere thought, regardless of its size or mass. The only weak point in Cliff's abilities is that he can only manipulate things that he can see. Under his leadership, Cliff had the X-Army capture three of the four ARMS teens in an effort to lure out and capture Ryo Takatsuki and defeat the Jabberwock to validate his existence and the existence of his comrades in the X-Army. In order to achieve this, he uses the X-Army to force Jabberwock to take control of Ryo, but fails three times. When Ryo defeats each of the X-Army, he challenges Ryo in order to eliminate Carol and lure out Jabberwock, even putting Kei's life and the lives of his comrades at risk to achieve this goal. Unfortunately, when he used Yugos telepathic abilities to make Ryo relive Katsumi's "death" and bring out the Jabberwock he got more than he bargained for. While he initially had the advantage and was nearly able to pull the Jabberwock apart, the Jabberwock evolved a resistance to the influence of his telekinesis and led to him being severely injured before the Jabberwock could be stopped. Following this fight, he and the other members of the X-Army briefly team up with the ARMS teens to share information. Shortly afterward, as the X-Army is about to leave the city, they are confronted by the Red Caps under the command of Gauss Gall and Keith Red. Cliff tells Carol and Yugo to run while he attempts to stop them. Unfortunately, he stands no chance against Keith Red in his fully transformed Gryphon state and ends up having the entire lower half of his body completely destroyed but stays alive long enough to say goodbye to Carol and his sister Yugo.
Also known as "Twister", Carol is the youngest member of the X-Army. She was born with latent and fairly powerful telekinetic abilities. Though her abilities are nowhere near as powerful as Cliffs, they are certainly dangerous. Carol has the ability to use her telekinesis to give anything a powerful and violent twist. This includes any object or portion of a person's body. She can easily break bones, snap necks, and twist or bend steel. She revealed in her battle against Ryo that her abilities come from her psychokinetic strength, much like Cliff but for different uses. During their battle she came close to unleashing Jabberwock, but fails. Ryo then refuses to battle Carol simply because she was a girl, and resists both Jabberwock and Carol, who eventually sees the true meaning of power and happiness, and reconciles with Ryo. As a result, Ryo stops the fight. Carol then gains a genuine concern for Ryo's well-being and advises him not to battle Cliff in fear that Ryo will die. During the Red Caps' invasion of Aisora City she aids Hayato, Juzo, and Al in running from the Red Caps and the rioting citizens. After the invasion Carol leaves her in the care of the Bluemen who find her a family to live with. As a final request, Yugo simply asks Carol to live and live happily. When the group returns to Japan, it is revealed that she is living with Hayato, his grandfather and Al, and learning martial arts. She also appears to develop romantic feelings toward Al by the end of the series.
Volf is a statuesque man covered from head to foot in rippling muscles. He is very vain about his appearance and is slightly effeminate. He also has a slight crush on Hayato Shingu (much to Hayato's disgust). His body has been genetically altered to have qualities similar to cancer cells. The cells in his body are constantly regenerating which makes him nearly impervious to injury. He can regenerate broken bones, cuts, and severed limbs in seconds. However, Volf is vulnerable to direct attacks on his nervous system and bodily functions. This is exploited by Ryo when he specifically targets places on Volf's body that affect his balance, depth perception, equilibrium, and vision. Ryo uses blunt force attacks to Volf's head to disrupt his equilibrium and momentarily stun him. To finish him off, Ryo caught Volf in a head lock and choked him until he passed out. Volf meets his end when the X-army tries to leave Aisora City. When he and Kyclops separate from the rest of the group, they are ambushed by the Red Caps, killed, and strung up from a wall.
Kyklops is a mute middle aged man who has been an Egrigori test subject for his entire life. As soon as he was able to, he was handed a blade and taught how to kill. He is a master of close quarters combat, using two experimental vibration knives that were able to cut through Ryo's ARMS like soft cheese. Kyklops has also undergone countless drug treatments and gene alterations to give him incredible optic powers. He can see in a large amount of the electromagnetic spectrum, including infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays, giving him the capability to see clearly in complete darkness, through solid objects, and across vast distances. In addition, he can modulate light waves and emit it so that he can consume anything he sees in flames. His weakness is an inability to see through mirrors. They reflect and distort light waves and even prevent him from using his heat vision because he risks lighting himself on fire. Extended use of his heat vision puts severe stress on his eyes and further use can cause severe damage to them. It was during their battle that Ryo was first tempted by Jabberwock to unleash him, but fails to do so. Ryo then refuses to battle Kyklops because of fear that he will die. Kyklops meets his end when the X-Army tries to leave Aisora city and when he separates from the rest of the group with Volf, they are ambushed by the Red Caps, killed, and strung up from a wall.

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