Monday, January 9, 2017


Alena (later Queen Alena of Sapiro) is a fictional character and one of the protagonists of the Encantadia series
Alena is the most kindhearted and merciful of the four Sang'gres, ye,t is the one who faced the most challenges of all. When she lost Kahlil because of Pirena's manipulation and found out that Danaya is the one who killed him, Alena lost all the good in her and secluded herself within the forest refusing anyone's explanations, she went to a rampage hurting the people she loves, including Ybarro, thinking he sided with Amihan's daughter more than their son, Kahlil. She can also be deceiving, using her innocent image to fool Pirena into thinking she would ally with her upon returning the Brilyante ng Tubig.

Powers and abilities 
Teleportation - Commonly seen among members of the royal family, a Sang'gre can only teleport if they know the place they're going.
Sonokinesis - Alena was born with the power to charm anyone with her amazing voice. She can either put anyone on a trance or inflict harm even kill them at will using her voice. she infuses sound with physical attacks, using sound waves (her lovely voice) to influence and disorient opponents and strengthen her attacks. 
Hydrokinesis - Being connected to the Brilyante ng Tubig, Alena was born with ability to manipulate the movement of any body of water if she desires. When she received the jewel from her Ynang Reyna Mine-a, her powers gradually increased to the point of being strong enough to summon a storm. Using her gemstone she was also capable of creating a powerful force field made of water to protect the castle of Saphiro from meteorites  
Aquagenism - Alena is capable of generating a blast of pure aquatic energy and use water projectiles to attack her enemies.
 Glamour - Alena is capable of using her beauty as a hypnotic charm like that of a Siren.

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